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“AI + education” innovative development of the future international education pattern will change

Posted on: 04/04/2022

Scientific and technological innovation promotes the progress of human development. Artificial Intelligence (AI) has gradually penetrated into all aspects of personal life and public activities, and has also become the biggest driving force for educational innovation. In the near future, academic personalization, teaching precision, and management intelligence will be important changes brought by artificial intelligence to the field of education. How will artificial intelligence empower education in the future? How will the international education landscape change in the future?

Recently, Mr. Wang Su, director of the Institute of International and Comparative Education of the Chinese Academy of Educational Sciences and director of the Future School Laboratory, accepted an exclusive interview with International Education Network, and shared his views on the impact of “AI + education” and the development trend of the future education industry.

Wang Su, Director of the Institute of International and Comparative Education, Chinese Academy of Education Sciences, Director of the Future School Laboratory

The impact of artificial intelligence on education

Technological progress is inseparable from talents, and education is the key to talent cultivation. In the process of human development, technology and education complement each other. Today, with the development of artificial intelligence technology, “AI + education” has become the focus of heated discussions. In July 2017, the State Council issued the “New Generation Artificial Intelligence Development Plan”, which clearly proposed the development of intelligent education. For educational institutions, the combination of artificial intelligence and education is the general trend.

Teacher Wang Su said that the impact and changes of artificial intelligence on education are mainly reflected in three points:

1. Artificial intelligence will bring fundamental changes to social development, and this change will also affect education, especially the talent training goals of education inside and outside schools. In the future, the curriculum system, curriculum structure, and student There will be major changes in the way you learn.

2. The application of artificial intelligence in the field of education, also known as “AI + education”, how to use artificial intelligence to help education, realize data-based education governance, replace and assist those standardized and repetitive jobs, and promote education fairness, is the future of artificial intelligence in the future. The focus of penetration and development in the education industry. In the future, learning will be more intelligent, personalized, and diversified, gradually opening up data silos, and virtual teachers and adaptive learning will be more and more widely used in schools.

3. Precision education brought by AI will help students improve learning efficiency and personalize learning, but it also brings many challenges to teachers. The process of combining artificial intelligence and education is not a simple technical application. The most difficult thing is the transformation of teachers’ roles and learning methods. For this reason, more training and guidance for teachers is needed, and necessary tools and strategies can be provided to achieve AI-based learning. Educational empowerment moves from the periphery to the core of changing classroom teaching. At the same time, with the development of the economy, people’s attention to education has generally increased, but there is still an unbalanced state of educational resources in our country, and there is an urgent need for individualized education and quality education. Teacher Wang Su believes that artificial intelligence will narrow the digital divide. On the one hand, through the use of artificial intelligence online live classrooms, virtual teachers and other innovative methods to change the lack of teachers in remote areas and the low level of teachers, to achieve the balance of high-quality educational resources and digital equity, it will narrow the digital divide; on the other hand, artificial intelligence The advanced speech recognition technology makes language communication smoother, information dissemination and exchange are easier, and it will also narrow the digital divide brought about by language communication.

International education belongs to the world Chinese education will become an important part of international education

In recent years, China’s international education industry has developed rapidly. Many parents hope that through IEDU (international education), that is, international education, they can cultivate their children into international all-rounders who can learn both Chinese and Western skills. Wang Su, director of the Institute of International and Comparative Education of the Chinese Academy of Educational Sciences and director of the Future School Laboratory, believes that when it comes to IEDU (international education) in the past, many topics were about the introduction of foreign educational concepts and educational content, but now it is a globalized development. In this era, international organizations have put forward many educational concepts that are commonly recognized by the world. For example, the 2030 Learning Framework released by the OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) has a good guiding role in the education of countries around the world. Therefore, the future international education should be Under the globally recognized educational concept, it has international standard education, but can achieve diversified and localized development in educational content. In the future, Chinese education will also be recognized by the world and will become an important part of international education.

“Technology + education” promotes student development and teachers will never be replaced by artificial intelligence

With the application of technology in the field of education, numerous and complicated “technology + education” enterprises and solutions have emerged on the market, some of which are hot spots, some are fake solutions, and some have no effect on education. Teacher Wang Su believes that “technology + education” “+Education” is mainly reflected in two aspects: first, technology empowers education, and technology products can make students’ learning more interesting and effective; second, regardless of technology activities or educational content, the real evaluation standard is whether it can promote students’ development.

In addition, with the development of deep learning technology, machine teaching has become more and more intelligent, and some people worry that artificial intelligence will replace human teaching. But Mr. Wang Su believes that the role of artificial intelligence in education actually reflects two aspects:

One is to teach and educate people. Education is not only about imparting knowledge, but more importantly, it promotes people’s development. No matter how artificial intelligence develops in the future, the relationship between people will not change. Therefore, the function of teachers to educate people will never change. will be replaced;

Second, artificial intelligence can replace some of the tedious and repetitive work of teachers, and the role of teachers will change greatly. In the past, the core of teachers was how to impart knowledge to students, but in the future, the core work will be to analyze students’ development level and development strengths and weaknesses based on data, so as to provide students with better learning planning and more targeted training. Personalized learning and growth counseling help students connect with various resources in the process, so that students can grow better, so the role of teachers will change in the future, but it will not be replaced by artificial intelligence.