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“Talking about Security” Series: Coping with “Ransomware” – E-government

Posted on: 03/21/2022

In recent years, ransomware attacks have continued to become a hot topic. As the attack mode becomes more and more mature, especially after being recruited, it is difficult to deal with, which has made the industry feel disgusted. However, ransomware is not nearly unsolved. The “Talking Security” program, together with Tencent Security and Tencent Research Institute, jointly planned a series of “Preventing Ransomware Attacks”, inviting a number of well-known experts in the industry to discuss ransomware attacks from multiple dimensions and industries. The way to cope.

“Ransomware” video series of “Talking Safe”

the second term

Talking about how to deal with “ransomware” – e-government

The video below is from

Tencent Security

Highlights of the guests

Guo Feng

Chief Security Officer of China Electric Power Taiji Co., Ltd., Chief Expert of PCSA Security Ability Alliance

Under the development trend of digital China and Wanyun era, e-government presents a development trend of 10,000 scenarios, and faces various cyber-attack threats including ransomware, which requires enhanced protection and coordinated protection. Ransomware seems to be a simple worm. Once it causes large-scale damage to key information infrastructure, the consequences may affect the stable operation of society and even national security. In network security work, we must “go to work to treat diseases that are not yet ill, middle-level workers to treat diseases that want to be sick, and work to treat those that have already been sick”, strengthen the security protection of key information infrastructure such as e-government, and let the nerves of the information society. The center is not paralyzed, data is not lost, and the platform is sustainable.

Xiao Biao

Researcher, Computer Network Information Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Ransomware is essentially a computer worm. Affected by competition in cyberspace, ransomware attacks have experienced a high incidence from 2016 to 2018, and are currently showing a downward trend. To prevent ransomware attacks, traditional network security basic protection methods are still effective. More refined management and control are required, and the network is divided into regions and regions to cut off the spread of viruses. At the same time, attention is paid to security monitoring, and the formation of defense in depth and monitoring in depth system. In addition, it is necessary to strengthen the education of actual combat drills and safety awareness. To deal with ransomware, fundamentally, the first is to reduce vulnerabilities as much as possible, and the second is data backup. At the same time, it is also necessary to strengthen the rapid sharing mechanism of threat intelligence at the national level to form a rapid joint defense.

Song Yang

Senior Researcher of Tencent Research Institute

Ransomware is gradually showing the characteristics of SaaS, which is more process-oriented and has a clearer division of labor, making it easier to launch ransomware attacks. E-government is carrying more and more data, its value is getting higher and higher, and its contact with the Internet is getting wider and wider, and it has become one of the main targets of ransomware. In response to ransomware attacks, e-government can build a city security brain or city security operation center, and create a three-dimensional prevention system before, during and after the event to prevent problems before they occur. On the other hand, migrating e-government to the cloud can reduce the threat of ransomware, because cloud operators will have better security mechanisms, technologies and professionals to provide more complete security protection. At the same time, actively introduce new concepts and technologies such as zero-trust security.

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