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Blue LED lighting can effectively help people overcome morning sleepiness

Posted on: 03/13/2022

In life, LEDs can be seen everywhere, emitting a variety of lights, bringing benefits to our lives, the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (hereinafter referred to as “KAIST”) in a study on the negative effects of blue light, through The experiment “accidentally” found and preliminarily confirmed that blue LED lighting can effectively help people overcome morning sleepiness. Behind this research is the “whitening” process of blue light from super harmful to wake-up artifact. How should we objectively look at the pros and cons of blue light lighting? Let’s start with the past and present of blue light.

In life, LEDs can be seen everywhere, emitting a variety of lights, bringing benefits to our lives, the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (hereinafter referred to as “KAIST”) in a study on the negative effects of blue light, through The experiment “accidentally” found and preliminarily confirmed that blue LED lighting can effectively help people overcome morning sleepiness. Behind this research is the “whitening” process of blue light from super harmful to wake-up artifact. How should we objectively look at the pros and cons of blue light lighting? Let’s start with the past and present of blue light.

High-energy short-wave blue light

Blue light is a relatively high-energy light with a wavelength between 400 and 480 nanometers, which can cause the amount of toxins in the macula to rise all the way, endangering the safety of the eyes. In the era of savage growth of Electronic devices, blue light exists in a large amount in digital products, liquid crystal Displays, LEDs and other light. Coupled with the technological iteration and the information industry, the crime of “blue light hazard” cannot escape.

Blu-ray “whitewashing” the road

Although the image of blue light harm has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, it must be mentioned that the blue light within 400 to 450 nanometers is really harmful, while the blue light between 480 and 500 nanometers can adjust the biological rhythm, which is beneficial to the human body. . At the same time, whether short-wave blue light has direct damage to the human eye is really not a person who has the final say. Irradiation intensity and irradiation time are also related to it. When the illumination lasts for more than 2 hours, it is possible to damage the retina. To a certain extent, blue light is reasonably controllable for physiological regulation. We must look at it rationally, and first of all, we must cure the old problem of staying up late and brushing mobile phones.

The Wake Up Myth Behind Blue Light

Melatonin is one of the mediators of blue light affecting circadian rhythms. Melatonin is a hormone that lightens skin pigment, and levels vary with the time of day. Its secretion can prolong the deep sleep phase and improve sleep quality. However, the appearance of blue light inhibits the secretion of melatonin through retinal photosensitive cells, which keeps people in a highly excited state and makes it difficult to fall asleep. Therefore, the academic community has repeatedly instilled the young generation with the advice of brushing less Electronic devices before going to bed.

However, this time Blu-ray’s “comeback” is not about staying up late in revenge, but to create the myth of getting up in the morning. According to KAIST research, blue light morning light can greatly reduce the level of melatonin, and at the same time have a certain positive impact on the subjective feelings of alertness, mood and visual comfort, and effectively improve the wakefulness in the morning. Research has also tentatively shown that single blue fully saturated illumination can effectively stimulate physiological responses, but the relative effectiveness of commercial white light sources is less clear. It is undeniable that the potential of Blu-ray has yet to be tapped.

The above is the relevant knowledge of LED blue light. I believe that in the process of scientific development, while bringing us convenience, there will be negative effects. In the future, the application of lighting in different places can gradually improve people’s quality of life from the physiological and psychological levels. Choosing greener and healthier lighting will lead to a more comfortable life.

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